Succulent Purchase!

 Of course, it was not going to take long for me to decide to purchased some items.  After surfing the web for a while I finally settled on since their reviews were decent and the prices comparable. 

Since I love weirdlings and hanging plants, I decided that their trailing set and a few weirdlings would be just what the Dr. ordered. 

Having never ordered succulent online I had no expectations.  The set was going to be a random, but named assortment and what arrived was beautiful. 

I already had a string of pearls (Senecio rowleyanus), but you can never have enough of those.  I had hoped for a baby's necklace (Crassula), was thrilled will the Rosary vine (crassula rupestris) and over the moon with Drosanthemum hispidum, that I had never even heard of! 

The were packaged beautifully and the only transport casualty were a pearl from the string of pearls, and one of the divisions of the baby's necklace.  The latter found itself planted immediately.  

Now I just had to keep them alive!

Shortly after arrival:
